Absorption of carbon (carbon sinks) in the process through the media assimilation possible coral reefs occur, especially in the area of Indonesia where the majority of its area consists of the sea. Researcher field Oceanography Indonesian Institute of Science Kurnaen Sumadiharga in Jakarta on Wednesday, said, the issue of absorption of carbon through the media coral reefs are to be used as the main discussion topic in the Conference or the World Marine World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) in Manado, 11-14 May 2009. He explains, photosynthesis process may be done by the plants that have leaves or chlorophyll. According to him, coral reefs consist of elements from the animals called coral polyp that do mutualism symbiosis with plants, alga, the green seaweed. "This is the plant that indeed the process photosynthesis, even in the water," he said. Photosynthesis process, he said, require carbon dioxide (CO2) and sunlight, then produce oxygen (O2), water and sugar. The CO2 which is the main material photosynthesis process, he said, is also available in the sea. He said that, at night, while coral reefs do not assimilation, this plant would produce CO2. "Carbon is produced at night is what becomes the main material of a photosynthesis process," he said. Therefore, he continued, the existence of coral reefs should be maintained and utilized as well as possible to anticipate the occurrence of climate change. Deputy Assistant Damage Control of Marine and Coastal Conservation Improvement Deputy Natural Resources of the Ministry of the State Environmental Wahyu Indraningsih said, the existence of coral reefs in Indonesia should be strongly guarded. According to him, other than caused by the use of explosive materials, global climate change some time this is also one of the causes of damage to coral reefs. He says, result in climate change to increase sea-water temperature. "The temperature of sea water rose 2-3 degrees Celsius in two consecutive days caused damage to coral reefs," he said. Conditions such as this have also started in the area of Indonesia.
---from Kompas.com Thursday 7th of May 2009
---from Kompas.com Thursday 7th of May 2009
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