Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Interview with SMAK 1 BPK Bandung principal

Friday 1st of May 2009
12:30 - 12:50
picture: is questioning with Ma'am Boni.

1. According to you, how the school's environment we are now with the issue of Global Warming?

SMAK 1 doesn't have more empty space to plant trees.

2. so, what that the best way we should do?

there are several ways:

  • sparing in the use of paper and plastic
  • sparing in the use of electricity (reducing the use of lights, and turning off the AC when not being used)
  • planting trees

3. What will schools do to prevent global warming?

school has been planning a program to plant 1,000 trees by 1000 people. besides, with the educational environment (PLH). Starting next year will also be undertaken by students a new rule: not allowed to bring food out of the food court area. hygiene school so that will be more awake to the good. There are also program the separation of organic and inorganic waste, but does not run properly because of lack of a sense of awareness of the students themselves.

4. I've heard about a program, planting 1000 trees, how is that program, is it going well?

this program is not running because of rushing between teachers and students. but this program will run if all of Smak 1 BPK citizens, buy plants together to be planted along the food court. besides, there are also programs beetwen classes to plant the trees, and the winner will be gifted by PLH team.

5. How does the solution to the school paper-recycling of paper / other documents?

Currently, the school recycling paper / other important document with crusher machine. remaining waste usually are being sold by employees and the money given to them

6. What is the role of schools about the environment in school?

The school had perfome program to plant trees in the civilian's residents around the school. This activity is the responsibility of the PLH team of SMAK 1. I hope this program can be continue.

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