We know that to stop global warming can not be done by themselves but a must be done through the cooperation of all people. But despite however, start from ourselves, be a hero and savior earth environment at this critical time. Here are some practical steps to stop climate change.
1. Life and Save the Planet with the Stop the consumption of meatOrganization reports the UN Food and Agriculture (FAO) has opened the eyes of the world, livestock industry is a major cause of global warming. Industrial livestock produce greenhouse gas emissions of 18 percent, this number exceeds the combined emissions from all transport in the world such as motorcycles, cars, trucks, planes, ships, trains, helicopters accounted for 13 percent of greenhouse gas or power in the world that donate 11 percent of greenhouse gases. UN also added that the emissions are calculated only based on CO2 emissions only, the livestock industry is also one of the main sources of pollution of land and water. Livestock deliver 9 percent of carbon dioxide, 37 percent gas metana (have a heating effect 72 times stronger than CO2 in 20 years and 23 times stronger than CO2 in 100 years). Overall, approximately 86 million tons produced metana digestive system of cows and goats, and 18 million tons more coming from the cattle dung accounted for 65 percent of dinitrogen oxide (heating effects have 298 times stronger than CO2), and 64 percent of ammonia causes acid rain . Farming is also a prime mover of logging. An estimated 80 percent of former forests in the Amazon has diverted-Enable a cattle farm. Each year, industry, livestock emissions produced 2.4 billion tons of CO2. Beyond that, livestock impound 30% of the entire surface of the Earth on dry land and 33% of the area of fertile land to plant gardens as cattle feed.
A report from Earth Institute asserts that the plant-based diet requires only 25% of energy needed by the meat-based diet. Research conducted by Professor Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin from the University of Chicago also provides the same conclusion: the pattern of eating meat with a vegetarian eating pattern, 50% more effective to prevent global warming than to replace a car with the SUV hybrid car. A vegetarian diet with the standard the United States would save 1.5 tons of greenhouse emissions every year! A vegetarian in a Hummer SUV is more friendly to the environment than a meat eater on a bicycle!
2. Save Energy and Natural ResourcesIf possible, find sources of alternative energy that does not produce CO2 emissions, such as solar energy, water, wind, nuclear, and others. When forced to use fossil fuels (which will result in CO2 emissions), use them wisely and efficiently. This includes electricity and save energy, especially with Indonesia, including many countries that use fossil fuels (oil, coal) for the electricity generator. Turn off the electronic equipment from the source or the press until the lamp plug off, do not leave electronic equipment in standby. Do not leave the tap, the water, a toilet tube leakage, so the water will hold out for 24 hours, other than throw away a valuable source of water waste your money also. Use of electrical energy, such as lights, rice cooker, TV, AC, and other electrical equipment. Turn off the lights when the lighting is still light outside, or when we are not in the room, maximize exposure from the sun, open the window curtains, use bright-colored cat in the house. Do not open the door of the refrigerator too long because every time the refrigerator door is opened the necessary pulling power of a high temperature to cool down again, cut the food in a smaller size, because the small size of the food will be cooked quickly and use less energy. Use the paper back and forth to reduce forest clearing. And, most importantly, avoid plastic bags, bring their own bags.
3. Giving Tree planting can benefit for the Earth Green plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the network. But after death they will release the CO2 back into the air. Environment with many plants akan binding with either CO2, and must be maintained by future generations. If not, then the carbon that is stored in the plant will be released back into the air as CO2. Two years after planting a young tree wooden hard, Lousiana Tech University ilmuawan, found that in each of 4050 m2 planted forests can absorb enough carbon from cars that run for one year. A study by the U.S. Forestry Department showed that by planting 95,000 trees in two areas in the capital city of Chicago has provided a more clean air and will save $ 38 million for more than 30 years according to a decrease in heat and cooling costs. Forest has a very important role. If we have a forest, then it means we have extra weapon to fight climate change.
4. Reduce transport emissions and Switch to Alternative Energy Try using a mass transport rather than have a car other than the extravagant cost of fuel, also avoid congestion on the road, parking fees, insurance, and car maintenance costs. Home or leave for work in unison with colleagues in a car sekantor that direction, so that it can share with their travel costs. When the distance to the home office or near the workplace and can be applied with a bicycle, it is better to use a bicycle than to save the cost of travel is also good to maintain body fitness. "I tried to use a bicycle to go to work as often as I can to save energy." - Margot Wallstrom, Vice President of the European Commission. When using your own car, use the car sparingly fuel or even buy a hybrid car if you can.
5. Recycling can Bring Changes California estimates that recycling in each state will save the energy distribution for 1.4 million homes, and reduce 27,047 tons of pollution on the water, saving 14 million trees, and reduce the effect of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 3.8 million cars. Technical University in Denmark found that recycled aluminum is using 95% less energy than the aluminum that is not recyclable, 70% more energy to plastics, and 40% more for the paper. And, most importantly: CHANGE FOR THE WORLD!!
One thing that is very important in addition to the five things we can do the above is the desire and motivation to change our own. The suggestions above will not only be meaningful if the reading without real action. We should really start to do it in daily life. We do not need to take extreme steps to immediately change only in the night when it was too heavy for us. Do it in stages, but is consistent with our commitment. Be real example for the environment and the people around us. Examples and practices that we provide is very important for the Conference for many other people also changed. Shout and let to the government, media, family, relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and people around to save Earth from the threat of global warming and climate change. Give them the encouragement to try to pattern noble life that will save our beloved planet. School's friends, colleagues, and people around to save Earth from the threat of global warming and climate change. Give them the encouragement to try the noble pattern of life that will save our beloved planet.