Friday, June 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Team's Profile
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Careful future Earth Temperature Will Rise 5.2 Degrees Celsius

WASHINGTON, -This century, the impact of global warming could be twice the more severe than the estimated six years ago, some experts such a report this weekend. "Temperatures average surface increased 9.3 degrees Fahrenheit (5.2 degrees Celsius) until 2100," some scientists said the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), compared with the study plan in 2003 that the average temperature increased 4.3 degrees F (2.4 degrees C). Studying the new record in the American Journal of Climate Metrological Society's claims, the difference is caused in the projection example of increased economic and economic data more recent than the previous scenario. "Prior warning on climate change also may have covered the impact of various global cooling volcanoes XX century by filth and soot, which can increase warming," said the scientists in a statement. To have reached a decision, MIT team uses computer simulation that takes into account the world economic activity and the climate. "All these projects show that the action is fast and without large-scale, warning that dramatic will happen in this century," said the statement. Results will be seen much more severe when there is no real action, made in order to combat climate change, compared with previous projections. However, some changes will occur if strict policy is applied at this time also to reduce greenhouse gases out. "There is a greater risk than we previously estimated. And this shows that we must immediately take action as soon as possible emergency," says Ronald Prinn, co-author one of these. This study is broadcast during the U.S. President Barack Obama announced a plan to set out national standards for cars and trucks, to reduce global warming pollution. Design and making of the gas trading system set to cut greenhouse gases, which is discussed in the Committee of the Senate Energy and Trade.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Planetary Air Leak

May 2009; Scientific American Magazine; by David C. Catling and Kevin J. Zahnle One of the most remarkable features of the solar system is the variety of planetary atmospheres. Earth and Venus are of comparable size and mass, yet the surface of Venus bakes at 460 degrees Celsius under an ocean of carbon dioxide that bears down with the weight of a kilometer of water. Callisto and Titanplanet-size moons of Jupiter and Saturn, respectivelyare nearly the same size, yet Titan has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere thicker than our own, whereas Callisto is essentially airless. What causes such extremes? If we knew, it would help explain why Earth teems with life while its planetary siblings appear to be dead. Knowing how atmospheres evolve is also essential to determining which planets beyond our solar system might be habitable. A planet can acquire a gaseous cloak in many ways: it can release vapors from its interior, it can capture volatile materials from comets and asteroids when they strike, and its gravity can pull in gases from interplanetary space. But planetary scientists have begun to appreciate that the escape of gases plays as big a role as the supply. Although Earths atmosphere may seem as permanent as the rocks, it gradually leaks back into space. The loss rate is currently tiny, only about three kilograms of hydrogen and 50 grams of helium (the two lightest gases) per second, but even that trickle can be significant over geologic time, and the rate was probably once much higher. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, A small leak can sink a great ship. The atmospheres of terrestrial planets and outer-planet satellites we see today are like the ruins of medieval castlesremnants of riches that have been subject to histories of plunder and decay. The atmospheres of smaller bodies are more like crude forts, poorly defended and extremely vulnerable.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Interview with SMAK 1 BPK Bandung principal
Friday 1st of May 2009
12:30 - 12:50
picture: is questioning with Ma'am Boni.
1. According to you, how the school's environment we are now with the issue of Global Warming?
SMAK 1 doesn't have more empty space to plant trees.
2. so, what that the best way we should do?
there are several ways:
- sparing in the use of paper and plastic
- sparing in the use of electricity (reducing the use of lights, and turning off the AC when not being used)
- planting trees
3. What will schools do to prevent global warming?
school has been planning a program to plant 1,000 trees by 1000 people. besides, with the educational environment (PLH). Starting next year will also be undertaken by students a new rule: not allowed to bring food out of the food court area. hygiene school so that will be more awake to the good. There are also program the separation of organic and inorganic waste, but does not run properly because of lack of a sense of awareness of the students themselves.
4. I've heard about a program, planting 1000 trees, how is that program, is it going well?
this program is not running because of rushing between teachers and students. but this program will run if all of Smak 1 BPK citizens, buy plants together to be planted along the food court. besides, there are also programs beetwen classes to plant the trees, and the winner will be gifted by PLH team.
5. How does the solution to the school paper-recycling of paper / other documents?
Currently, the school recycling paper / other important document with crusher machine. remaining waste usually are being sold by employees and the money given to them
6. What is the role of schools about the environment in school?
The school had perfome program to plant trees in the civilian's residents around the school. This activity is the responsibility of the PLH team of SMAK 1. I hope this program can be continue.
Coral Reefs Could Absorb Carbon

Absorption of carbon (carbon sinks) in the process through the media assimilation possible coral reefs occur, especially in the area of Indonesia where the majority of its area consists of the sea. Researcher field Oceanography Indonesian Institute of Science Kurnaen Sumadiharga in Jakarta on Wednesday, said, the issue of absorption of carbon through the media coral reefs are to be used as the main discussion topic in the Conference or the World Marine World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) in Manado, 11-14 May 2009. He explains, photosynthesis process may be done by the plants that have leaves or chlorophyll. According to him, coral reefs consist of elements from the animals called coral polyp that do mutualism symbiosis with plants, alga, the green seaweed. "This is the plant that indeed the process photosynthesis, even in the water," he said. Photosynthesis process, he said, require carbon dioxide (CO2) and sunlight, then produce oxygen (O2), water and sugar. The CO2 which is the main material photosynthesis process, he said, is also available in the sea. He said that, at night, while coral reefs do not assimilation, this plant would produce CO2. "Carbon is produced at night is what becomes the main material of a photosynthesis process," he said. Therefore, he continued, the existence of coral reefs should be maintained and utilized as well as possible to anticipate the occurrence of climate change. Deputy Assistant Damage Control of Marine and Coastal Conservation Improvement Deputy Natural Resources of the Ministry of the State Environmental Wahyu Indraningsih said, the existence of coral reefs in Indonesia should be strongly guarded. According to him, other than caused by the use of explosive materials, global climate change some time this is also one of the causes of damage to coral reefs. He says, result in climate change to increase sea-water temperature. "The temperature of sea water rose 2-3 degrees Celsius in two consecutive days caused damage to coral reefs," he said. Conditions such as this have also started in the area of Indonesia.
---from Thursday 7th of May 2009
---from Thursday 7th of May 2009
Facts about the major CO2 contributor!

If you are forced to leave the computer in a hurry, do not activated the screen saver! Not only save the energy, but also reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Turn off computers when not in use can reduce emissions up to 83%, a 63 kg per year. Better use the laptop than a computer because the laptop use electricity five times less than the computer. TV, DVD player, HiFi or home theater should also be turned off if it is not being used.
In Japan, 2005, during summer people take off the ties, successfully reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide up to 71,700 tons! So, remove our tie and suit, moreover we are in the tropical country. And believe, even we not using tie and suit, we still look cool and professional.
Reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by limiting the use of AC (Air Conditioner). Open the window widely! Clean the refrigerator’s coil regularly. Set the refrigerator’s temperature from 2 until 3 degrees Celsius, and the freezer at -18 to -15 degrees Celsius.Provide enough space between the refrigerator and the wall for air circulation. The trapped heat can increase energy consumption. Maximize the capacity of refrigerator and washing machine. If the weather is sunny, do not use dryer.
Use Compost!!
When foster agricultural land, some of the fertilizer contain nitrogen that changed into N2O, a gas that cause greenhouse effect 320 times greater than the carbon dioxide. Use the compost that we made by ourselves from household wastes. Not only contains a little nitrogen, we can also reduce the waste heap. Midden metana produce a green house effect that 20 times greater than the carbon dioxide. Reduce the uses of chemical pesticides. Despite pest so dead, it’s also cause the dead of the microorganism. Thanks to the microorganisms, the carbon stays in the soil. If they’re dead, the carbon gases to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and does not become the ground doesn’t fertile so that we will use more and more pesticides.
Planting trees help to the absorption of carbon dioxide. But we better planting bamboo. In fact bamboo is able to absorb carbon dioxide four times more than the trees because the it’s growing faster than other trees. But only the widespread planting of bamboo that can absorb carbon dioxide significantly. So, let's do the planting bamboo..!
The status of global carbon emissions in 2007 is 8 billion tons per year. Without any attempt to reduce it, in the year 2057 will reach 16 billion tons per year. It means, the temperature of the earth will increase 5 degrees Celsius per year.
We already discussed that cows belch also accelerate global warming. And many sectors of livestock also contribute to carbon dioxide.
Below are the facts from the FAO: 1. Carbon emissions from making cattle feed a. Use of fossil fuels in the making of fertilizers accounts for 41 million tons of CO2 each year
b. Use of fossil fuels in the farm accounts for 90 million tons of CO2 per year (eg, diesel or LPG) c. Function over land used for livestock contributes 2.4 billion tons of CO2 per year, including here in the land converted to cattle sod, which changed the land to plant soya beans as cattle feed, or clearing land for livestock d. Carbon released from the processing of agricultural land for cattle feed (eg maize, wheat, or soybean) can reach 28 million per year of CO2. You need to know, at least 80% soybean harvest and 50% of the world's corn crops used as food ternak.7 e. Carbon released from the pasture into desert because terkikis contribute 100 million tons of CO2 per year
2. Carbon emissions from the animals digestive system a. Metana were released in the digestive process of animals can reach 86 million tons per year. b. Metana irrespective of the animal manure sewage can reach 18 million tons per year. 3. Carbon emissions from transportation and processing livestock meat to consumers a. CO2 emissions from the processing of meat can reach tens of million ton per year. b. CO2 emissions from transporting livestock products can reach more than 0.8 million tons per year. From the description above, you can see the scale of emissions of greenhouse gases produced from the livestock sector of each component. In Australia, greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector are greater than the power of coal. In the period of 20 years, Australia's farm sector accounts for 3 million tons metana each year (equivalent to 216 million tons of CO2), while the power sector coal accounted for 180 million tons of CO2 per year.
Years ago, investigators from the Ministry of Science Geophysics (Department of Geophysical Sciences) University of Chicago, Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin, also disclose the relationship between food production and environmental problems. They measure the amount of greenhouse gases caused by red meat, fish, poultry, milk, and eggs, and compare that number with a berdiet vegan. They found that if the standard American diet to switch to diet plants, then will be able to prevent one and a half tons of greenhouse gas emissions ektra per person per year. Kontrasnya, switching from a standard sedan such as the Toyota Camry to a hybrid Toyota Prius saves about one ton CO2 emissions. * source wikipedia in Indonesia.
Below are the facts from the FAO: 1. Carbon emissions from making cattle feed a. Use of fossil fuels in the making of fertilizers accounts for 41 million tons of CO2 each year
b. Use of fossil fuels in the farm accounts for 90 million tons of CO2 per year (eg, diesel or LPG) c. Function over land used for livestock contributes 2.4 billion tons of CO2 per year, including here in the land converted to cattle sod, which changed the land to plant soya beans as cattle feed, or clearing land for livestock d. Carbon released from the processing of agricultural land for cattle feed (eg maize, wheat, or soybean) can reach 28 million per year of CO2. You need to know, at least 80% soybean harvest and 50% of the world's corn crops used as food ternak.7 e. Carbon released from the pasture into desert because terkikis contribute 100 million tons of CO2 per year
2. Carbon emissions from the animals digestive system a. Metana were released in the digestive process of animals can reach 86 million tons per year. b. Metana irrespective of the animal manure sewage can reach 18 million tons per year. 3. Carbon emissions from transportation and processing livestock meat to consumers a. CO2 emissions from the processing of meat can reach tens of million ton per year. b. CO2 emissions from transporting livestock products can reach more than 0.8 million tons per year. From the description above, you can see the scale of emissions of greenhouse gases produced from the livestock sector of each component. In Australia, greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector are greater than the power of coal. In the period of 20 years, Australia's farm sector accounts for 3 million tons metana each year (equivalent to 216 million tons of CO2), while the power sector coal accounted for 180 million tons of CO2 per year.
Years ago, investigators from the Ministry of Science Geophysics (Department of Geophysical Sciences) University of Chicago, Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin, also disclose the relationship between food production and environmental problems. They measure the amount of greenhouse gases caused by red meat, fish, poultry, milk, and eggs, and compare that number with a berdiet vegan. They found that if the standard American diet to switch to diet plants, then will be able to prevent one and a half tons of greenhouse gas emissions ektra per person per year. Kontrasnya, switching from a standard sedan such as the Toyota Camry to a hybrid Toyota Prius saves about one ton CO2 emissions. * source wikipedia in Indonesia.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Five Steps for Emergency Saving the Earth from Climate Change

We know that to stop global warming can not be done by themselves but a must be done through the cooperation of all people. But despite however, start from ourselves, be a hero and savior earth environment at this critical time. Here are some practical steps to stop climate change.
1. Life and Save the Planet with the Stop the consumption of meat
Organization reports the UN Food and Agriculture (FAO) has opened the eyes of the world, livestock industry is a major cause of global warming. Industrial livestock produce greenhouse gas emissions of 18 percent, this number exceeds the combined emissions from all transport in the world such as motorcycles, cars, trucks, planes, ships, trains, helicopters accounted for 13 percent of greenhouse gas or power in the world that donate 11 percent of greenhouse gases. UN also added that the emissions are calculated only based on CO2 emissions only, the livestock industry is also one of the main sources of pollution of land and water. Livestock deliver 9 percent of carbon dioxide, 37 percent gas metana (have a heating effect 72 times stronger than CO2 in 20 years and 23 times stronger than CO2 in 100 years). Overall, approximately 86 million tons produced metana digestive system of cows and goats, and 18 million tons more coming from the cattle dung accounted for 65 percent of dinitrogen oxide (heating effects have 298 times stronger than CO2), and 64 percent of ammonia causes acid rain . Farming is also a prime mover of logging. An estimated 80 percent of former forests in the Amazon has diverted-Enable a cattle farm. Each year, industry, livestock emissions produced 2.4 billion tons of CO2. Beyond that, livestock impound 30% of the entire surface of the Earth on dry land and 33% of the area of fertile land to plant gardens as cattle feed.
A report from Earth Institute asserts that the plant-based diet requires only 25% of energy needed by the meat-based diet. Research conducted by Professor Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin from the University of Chicago also provides the same conclusion: the pattern of eating meat with a vegetarian eating pattern, 50% more effective to prevent global warming than to replace a car with the SUV hybrid car. A vegetarian diet with the standard the United States would save 1.5 tons of greenhouse emissions every year! A vegetarian in a Hummer SUV is more friendly to the environment than a meat eater on a bicycle!
2. Save Energy and Natural Resources
If possible, find sources of alternative energy that does not produce CO2 emissions, such as solar energy, water, wind, nuclear, and others. When forced to use fossil fuels (which will result in CO2 emissions), use them wisely and efficiently. This includes electricity and save energy, especially with Indonesia, including many countries that use fossil fuels (oil, coal) for the electricity generator. Turn off the electronic equipment from the source or the press until the lamp plug off, do not leave electronic equipment in standby. Do not leave the tap, the water, a toilet tube leakage, so the water will hold out for 24 hours, other than throw away a valuable source of water waste your money also. Use of electrical energy, such as lights, rice cooker, TV, AC, and other electrical equipment. Turn off the lights when the lighting is still light outside, or when we are not in the room, maximize exposure from the sun, open the window curtains, use bright-colored cat in the house. Do not open the door of the refrigerator too long because every time the refrigerator door is opened the necessary pulling power of a high temperature to cool down again, cut the food in a smaller size, because the small size of the food will be cooked quickly and use less energy. Use the paper back and forth to reduce forest clearing. And, most importantly, avoid plastic bags, bring their own bags.
3. Giving Tree planting can benefit for the Earth
Green plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the network. But after death they will release the CO2 back into the air. Environment with many plants akan binding with either CO2, and must be maintained by future generations. If not, then the carbon that is stored in the plant will be released back into the air as CO2. Two years after planting a young tree wooden hard, Lousiana Tech University ilmuawan, found that in each of 4050 m2 planted forests can absorb enough carbon from cars that run for one year. A study by the U.S. Forestry Department showed that by planting 95,000 trees in two areas in the capital city of Chicago has provided a more clean air and will save $ 38 million for more than 30 years according to a decrease in heat and cooling costs. Forest has a very important role. If we have a forest, then it means we have extra weapon to fight climate change.
4. Reduce transport emissions and Switch to Alternative Energy
Try using a mass transport rather than have a car other than the extravagant cost of fuel, also avoid congestion on the road, parking fees, insurance, and car maintenance costs. Home or leave for work in unison with colleagues in a car sekantor that direction, so that it can share with their travel costs. When the distance to the home office or near the workplace and can be applied with a bicycle, it is better to use a bicycle than to save the cost of travel is also good to maintain body fitness. "I tried to use a bicycle to go to work as often as I can to save energy." - Margot Wallstrom, Vice President of the European Commission. When using your own car, use the car sparingly fuel or even buy a hybrid car if you can.
5. Recycling can Bring Changes
California estimates that recycling in each state will save the energy distribution for 1.4 million homes, and reduce 27,047 tons of pollution on the water, saving 14 million trees, and reduce the effect of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 3.8 million cars. Technical University in Denmark found that recycled aluminum is using 95% less energy than the aluminum that is not recyclable, 70% more energy to plastics, and 40% more for the paper. And, most importantly: CHANGE FOR THE WORLD!!
One thing that is very important in addition to the five things we can do the above is the desire and motivation to change our own. The suggestions above will not only be meaningful if the reading without real action. We should really start to do it in daily life. We do not need to take extreme steps to immediately change only in the night when it was too heavy for us. Do it in stages, but is consistent with our commitment. Be real example for the environment and the people around us. Examples and practices that we provide is very important for the Conference for many other people also changed. Shout and let to the government, media, family, relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and people around to save Earth from the threat of global warming and climate change. Give them the encouragement to try to pattern noble life that will save our beloved planet. School's friends, colleagues, and people around to save Earth from the threat of global warming and climate change. Give them the encouragement to try the noble pattern of life that will save our beloved planet.
Niter Cow Contributing Rate of Global Warming Faster
Greenhouse gas emissions issued by the cows burp increase faster than emissions-from-man, so says the latest research. Various studies have analyzed the influence of carbon dioxide produced by humans to climate change. But latest research has shown that the cow also produce gas metana with the same poor man. Metana is one of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that survive longer and therefore have a global warming potential is higher. Dr. Andy Thorpe, economists from the University of Portsmouth, find sekawanan 200 cows can produce annual emissions of gas metana average equivalent emissions from cars in the family far more than 100,000 miles (180,000 km) with four gallons (21,400 liters) of fuel oil. He added while the carbon dioxide emissions have increased 31% during the last 250 years, metana alone has increased 149% in the same period. Metana in the atmosphere is believed responsible for one fifth of global warming experienced since 1750. This is a major livestock metana who spent a large amount of time they mencerna their food, and belch. Dr Thorpe said three-quarters of emissions metana animals originating from developing countries due to increasing prosperity in developing countries and that "the request hamburger" which encourages developing countries to continue to produce meat. He added, "With such conditions, metana emissions in developing countries will likely increase." Research, which released in the journal Climate Change, will likely revive debate about whether eating less meat can help overcome climate change - as recommended recently by the United Nations. This research is also the inputs for the UK government's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of 80% in the year 2050, including the farm sector here.
Ice Release from Beting

The ice that size almost as big as the City of New York separated from the South Pole to be icebergs this month. This happened after the fall of a bridge because the ice is estimated that global warming, according to a scientist on Tuesday (28 / 4).
"Ice field north of the Wilkins Ice shelf stable and does not become a cloud of ice float was first released," said Angelika Humbert, glacier expert at the University of Muenster in Germany explain matter images from the shelf satellite European Space Agency.
Humbert told Reuters on the ice covering approximately 700 square kilometers, larger than Singapore or Bahrain and almost as big as New York City-have had been separated from this month and Wilkins broken into pieces. He says, ice covering 370 square kilometers was broken in the last days of the Wilkins Ice shelf, the last of about 10 in the shelf shrink the Antarctic Peninsula in a trend that is connected by the UN Climate Panel on global warming. Clumps of ices that add a new 330 sq km offshore the ice this month with the failure of a bridge holding ice shelf between Wilkins Charcot Island and Antarctic Peninsula. Nine other shelf-ice that floats on the sea and the beach-related around the Antarctic Peninsula has been shrink or fall apart in the last 50 years, such as the Larsen A shelf in 1995 or Larsen B in 2002. This trend is considered caused by climate change due to fossil fuel gases that trap heat, said David Vaughan, British Antarctic Surveys scientists.
Ice Bridge broken in Antarctica

An ice bridge in the Antarctic ice sheet is a region of Jamaica broken, and this is a matter of increasing concern the impact of heating global. There are indications that the new overlay plate ice that may be immediately released from Antarctica. The images from the satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) indicates that one of the ice bridge connecting the two Wilskin plates with the adjoining islands were broken down.
The scientists say, global warming causing the break of the ice bridge. Plates that have been shrinking since 1990, but this is the first time the loss of one of the pillar that hold the bridge. Survei South Pole in the UK (British Antarctic Survey) states, six layers of ice in the same continent that has been lost. An ESA satellite images show the mountains created a new ice float on the sea in the western Antarctica peninsula is protruding from the continent to the southern tip of South America.
"It is surprise how ice is broken," said David Vaughan, glasiologis British Antarctic Survey on , as quoted Reuters news agency. "Two days ago, he was still intact. We waited this long to see," added Vaughan Vaughan.Profesor bridge stand on the ice in January to place a GPS tracking to monitor the movement. Although the fracture did not affect sea level, this concerns a matter of increasing the impact of climate change in Antarctica tersebut.Menurut the scientists, Antarctica Peninsula has experienced a warming unprecedented in the last 50 years. Some of the shrink layer of ice in the last 30 years, six of the total collapse
Penguin Decline in Antarctica Linked With Climate Change
By John Roach for National Geographic News Emperor penguins like it cold. Now, scientists have determined that the penguins' susceptibility to climate change accounts for a dramatic decline in their number over the past half century. Over the past 50 years, the population of Antarctic emperor penguins has declined by 50 percent. Using the longest series of data available, reseachers have shown that an abnormally long warm spell in the Southern Ocean during the late 1970s contributed to a decline in the population of emperor penguins at Terre Adelie, Antarctica. The warm spell of the late 1970s is related to the Antarctic circumpolar wave—huge masses of warm and cold water that circle Antarctica about once every eight years. In response to this cycle, Terre Adelie experiences a warming period every four or five years that generally lasts about a year. In the late 1970s, however, the warming continued for several years. Whether it was the result of natural climate variability in the Antarctic circumpolar wave cycle or an anomaly related to global warming is not possible to determine because air and sea surface temperature data from many years ago are not available. Weimerskirch thinks the unusually warm spell was probably the result of global warming. Shrinking Levels of Ice Warmer air and sea surface temperatures in the Antarctic reduce the amount of ice in the sea. This, in turn, leads to smaller populations of krill, a shrimp-like crustacean that is a staple of the emperor penguin's diet. With less food to eat, emperor penguins die. Reporting in the May 10 issue of Nature, Weimerskirch and his colleague Christophe Barbraud say this is the scenario that led to the sharp decline in the penguin population at Terre Adelie. "The population decreased because of the low rates of survival over four to five successive years," said Weimerskirch. In the early 1980s the winter air and sea surface temperatures dropped, and the emperor penguin population stabilized. Although higher levels of sea ice increase the food supply, such conditions have a negative effect on reproduction because emperor penguins hatch fewer eggs when sea ice is more extensive. After laying eggs, a female travels across the ice and out to sea to feed on krill, fish and squid that she regurgitates to feed her young. The male keeps the eggs warm until she returns. But when the sea ice is extensive, the female may be gone for months. The male eventually gives in to his hunger and abandons the egg or chick. Caution Against Generalizations Thus, as the scientists note in their paper in Nature, extensive sea ice poses a trade-off for emperor penguins. In population terms, its nutritional advantage, which favors higher survival and further reproduction, "outmatches its physical disadvantage of reducing fecundity," they write. Despite the findings that show a negative effect of global warming on emperor penguin populations, Weimerskirch cautions against making generalizations about the impacts of climate change on wildlife. For example, a reduction in the amount of sea ice is favorable to Adelie penguins, he said. On the other hand, elephant seals and some albatross species were also negatively affected by the prolonged warming period in the 1970s. Climate scientists believe that Earth's polar regions are harbingers of the effects of global warming and play a major role in regulating global climate. The Antarctic circumpolar wave, for example, is tied to episodes of drought and deluges of rain in Australia. The science, however, is still evolving. "We are progressively understanding how environmental variability affects populations," said Weimerskirch.
What is 'Climate Change' ?

Maybe until now no one has took seriously about the biggest problem in this world. The earth’s temperature is increasing, and the sea level is increasing.This is known as Global Warming.
Climate change is what caused the problem or as a base that is being experienced by the entire world. Not only temperature but also the climate is in worse condition. The cause of global warming is there are many ozone hole and greenhouse gases that we know as 'green house effect'.
Why greenhouse gases could cause global warming? Carbon dioxide gas is released from the remaining of the burning vehicle, waste, and even respiration of living beings can reflect heat that it is supposed to be released back into the atmosphere become restrained in the earth’s atmosphere. One of the ways to reduce the CO2 content is planting trees or large plants. Because the trees can absorb CO2 for producing its own food. Because it’s almost impossible to reduce the usage of vehicle and other usage of devices that made our world become like this.
Now, in this modern world, the technology become our first priority. So if we can’t reduce the usage of technology, we can plant the trees. So this is why we take the theme of My Way My World. In our opinion, this world is made from the hand of the human inside it. All of the people are surely know that the current global warming, caused by humans. Yes ... us. And still many people who are don’t "want" to realize the current condition.
Perhaps they already know, but they just don’t want to change. It’s impossible to change the fate of this world only by a few people. Do you want to give away this heavy burden to our child or grandchild? Surely not. So start from small things like planting trees.
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